Cambodian migrant workers in Rayong Province in Thailand. ILO/Pichit Phromkade. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
This policy brief was originally published via the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR). Learn more here.
A growing proportion of migrants, particularly those in manual or semi-skilled sectors, who face significant difficulties in accessing ‘decent work’ in host countries. Decent work, jobs that provide fair wages, social protection and more, is important for individuals and also for the contribution it can make to delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). MIDEQ along with UNU-CPR organised a policy roundtable that brought representatives from the UN system, Members States, international organisations and civil society to examine the challenges of ensuring that migrants in the Global South have both the right to work and decent working conditions.
This policy brief builds on the roundtable discussion, targeting recommendations for Members States and the achievement of SDG 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all).