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The role, challenges, and impact of trade unions among migrant workers in the MIDEQ destination countries
The report considers the roles played by two of the ILO’s three constituents (governments and trade unions) and a selection of other relevant stakeholders (e.g., civil society organisations (CSOs) and international organisations) who shape the national contexts that migrant workers experience.
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‘The biggest problem we are facing is the running away problem’: recruitment and the paradox of facilitating the mobility of immobile workers
This article analyses the relationship between domestic work placement agencies in Jordan and Lebanon and their clients (the employers) as they negotiate the recruitment of women from Bangladesh. It addresses the mechanisms of how exploitative, controlling practices are constructed and normalised by agencies in their everyday interactions with their clients as well as with workers.
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Access to justice for migrants: Can academics do more?
Should academics remain content with merely producing academic outputs as they research and study issues of access to justice in migration? Or can they and should they engage more actively in addressing these injustice? MIDEQ researchers and partners share their views.
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Why we need better migration governance for achieving the SDGs
Bapsfontein informal settlement in Johannesburg, which consists largely of migrants including Mozambiqians and Zimbabweans. Photo: John Hogg/World Bank
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