The following video was produced by MIDEQ CO-I Seng Guan Yeoh. The videographer, script and graphics were produced by Nicolas Yap. Translations were provided by Ipsha Poudel from NISER (MIDEQ Nepal) and the video was edited by Adam Tan.
In the Nepal-Malaysia corridor, the MIDEQ Malaysia team, based at Monash University Malaysia created a range of outputs for different audiences. Outputs included animated infographics, a comic series, podcasts, fieldwork interview videos, social media and community produced docudramas. The outputs were showcased in Malaysia and Nepal. In Nepal, the screenings were facilitated by Nepal Institute for Social and Environmental Research (NISER). Participants at the screenings included a mix of returnee migrant workers, family members of migrant workers, local ward leaders, municipality officers and social workers.
The video follows the community screenings in four different districts where labour migration is high: Bardiya, Jhapa, Saptari, and Danusha.
Photo credits: MIDEQ Malaysia